I can't lose weight - what to do. Why you can't lose weight - tips

Slender girl

I can't lose weight

Many are trying to lose weight, but not all are succeeding, despite restrictions on food and sports.

Why does this happen?

To understand why the weight does not go away, but stays in place, first analyze your daily diet and physical activity. Check if you are on the diet.

There can be several reasons for this:

  • Maybe you eat healthy, high calorie foods every day? For example, avocado, grapes, banana, sweet fruit, nuts, cheese. So there will be no benefit from the measures you have taken to lose weight;
  • Or maybe you follow the diet all week, eat buckwheat, chicken breast and on Sundays you allow yourself to eat barbecue, dumplings, poses and drink carbonated drinks?
  • The reason is that you cannot lose weight, there may be several diseases: gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance, nerve problems. See your doctor and your weight may return to normal after treatment.

If you limit yourself to nutrition and then allow yourself to eat whatever you want, when you switch to regular food, the extra pounds will appear even more.

I can't lose weight, what should I do? Tips

First of all, you need to set a clear goal for yourself. You must be:

  • Measurable. You have set yourself the task of reaching a specific weight within a certain period;
  • Achievable. Those. you can easily reach the desired weight by the indicated date;
  • Positively formulated. The goal must be meaningful and you must have the desire to achieve it;
  • There must be motivation to lose weight.
Overweight woman on an appointment with a specialist

How not to overeat and start losing weight - 15 tricks

Losing weight isn't necessarily a painful process with long workouts and grueling diets.

With relative comfort, you can lose weight if you know a few tricks. But you will have to respect them constantly and not several times a year:

  1. Start changing your eating habits gradually and with a positive attitude.
  2. Eat small meals. Divide your usual portion in half, eat half and let the other one rest for about 20 minutes, after this time you may not even remember. The ideal portion should fit in the palms of the folded boat
  3. Eat from small plates. Small portions will not look too small in them.
  4. When buying, choose blue or white plates. These colors are considered inedible, so the food they contain will not seem overly appetizing.
  5. Eat slowly, savoring each bite. So the saturation will come much earlier
  6. ⅔ or half of the daily diet should consist of fruits and vegetables
  7. If after a meal you have an unbearable craving for sweets, it is better to eat a piece of chocolate or a little honey rather than a sandwich.
  8. The road to lunch is still long, but you want to eat, so drink some water
  9. Wear tight jeans when visiting. So you won't be able to eat much
  10. Give up alcohol, whet your appetite
  11. Drink a glass of water half an hour before meals. This way your stomach will be full and you will eat less.
  12. For the time to lose weight, give up sugary juices, fizzy drinks, drinking yoghurt. Drink more water or herbal preparations
  13. Weigh yourself every day. This way you will know which foods are bad for your figure and which foods should be eliminated from your diet.
  14. Limit your salt intake. It keeps fluids in the body, which can make your weight gain.
  15. Move more.

Why you can't lose weight

Only the right balance can lead to the desired result.

It is necessary to observe the drinking regime, drink a sufficient amount of liquid per day, about 1, 5 - 2 liters.

Food should be taken 4-5 times a day in small portions. These are: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.

It is not possible to lose weight, despite proper nutrition, also because the person does not have enough physical activity. You can be on a diet for months, but if you spend all day on the computer, you will hardly be able to lose weight.

An inactive lifestyle interferes with weight loss

Because the weight doesn't go away

The main reasons for this are:


At each age, a person loses weight in different ways. In young people, the metabolism is faster. Up to the age of 30-35, physical activity helps to burn fat well. Testosterone is responsible for the rate of fat metabolism and, after 40-45 years, its level in the blood begins to decrease. Therefore, even if you spend a lot of time in the gym, the result is not great.

The older a person becomes, the less effective the quick methods of losing weight are and the greater the calorie-reducing effect of the diet.


Many, sitting on a diet, observe the main meals, do not eat junk food. But few people count how many cookies, seeds, nuts, sweets, sweet tea, and coffee they eat during the day. Because a colleague gave them a gift, but how to drink tea without anything? As a result, up to 500 extra calories enter the body throughout the day.

If you can't, so as not to chew something, stock up on low-calorie foods. Sweets can be replaced with dried apricots or prunes. Bring carrots or kohlrabi to work.


The fats in meat and fatty dairy products contribute to weight gain. So choose lean or easily digestible meat from chicken, rabbit, turkey.

Stressful situations

Weight changes can be influenced by problems in the family, at work, lack of money. This includes cortisol, the "stress hormone" that increases the number of fat cells.

Cortisol is a regulator of carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Participate in the development of stress reactions.

Many have a habit of taking stress. Therefore, if you decide to lose weight, you need to get your nerves in order.

To sleep

Melatonin, a sleep hormone, is also involved in fat metabolism. If you constantly don't get enough sleep and get up in the morning broken and tired, you will hardly be able to lose weight.

The extra weight doesn't go away from sugary snacks


First of all, hormonal, which are used to treat the thyroid gland and female diseases. Sometimes, the weight may not decrease with antidepressants and some antibiotics.

Reasons that interfere with weight loss include the following:

  • The habit of not having breakfast in the morning. The calories that the body receives in the morning, as a rule, all go into energy. And then, having a good breakfast, you will eat less at lunch;
  • Uncontrolled intake of weight loss products - tea, pills. This is disheartening. A person starts eating more, reassuring himself that he is taking weight loss medications. Also, there is a risk of metabolic malfunction, when, instead of losing weight, a person gains more weight. Therefore, if you decide to drink any means to lose weight, be sure to consult a specialist.

What to do if you can't lose weight

Try following simple tips for a month and you will be pleasantly surprised with the result:

Eliminate foods with a high glycemic index from your diet: sweets, starchy foods, boiled rice and vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots), alcoholic beverages;

An excess of salt retains fluids in the body. And this causes swelling, increased blood pressure and, consequently, an increase in body weight.

Limit the use of canned foods, sausages, hard cheeses.

During this month, it is useful to follow a 5-day protein diet. the body expends a lot of calories to digest proteins.

  • 1st day - kefir. You can drink up to 8 glasses of kefir;
  • 2nd, 3rd and 4th day: 300-400 g of boiled meat, chicken or fish. Vegetables and greens - you can eat at least as many;
  • 5th day: kefir - up to 8 glasses per day.

During the diet, salt should be excluded; lemon juice can be added to food. And don't forget to drink water.

A protein diet is effective for healthy people, but is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, people with kidney disease and gout.

Drink plain water instead of carbonated drinks.

Include foods that can help you lose weight in your diet:

  • Contains vegetable fibers: broccoli, fresh cabbage and cucumbers, red pepper, black radish;
  • Avocado. Eating 1 avocado a day for a month will reduce belly fat;
  • It is recommended to drink ginger tea for weight loss;
  • Chilli helps improve metabolism.

It should be remembered that nutrition must be balanced and correct, so you can lose weight without harming your health.

Balanced diet for weight loss without compromising health

How to lose weight if you can't

To lose weight, it is necessary to form a calorie deficit. This means you need to spend more calories than you get. The point of any diet is to create the maximum deficit. The greater the deficit, the faster the weight loss process. But a large deficiency can lead to hormonal imbalance.

The long-term calorie deficit should be small - 200-400 kcal per day. It is not possible to reduce the daily calorie intake below 1500 kcal.

With a slight calorie deficit and proper exercise, weight is lost at the expense of subcutaneous fat. The best option for losing weight: For 3 weeks you eat 200-400 kcal under your daily allowance, after which you eat your daily allowance for 3 weeks. It is very important not to get over it. So you lose a couple of kilograms. Then we moved on to the second circle - deficit - retention. And so on until the desired weight is obtained. Optimal weight loss is 1. 5 - 3 kg per month.

5 tips to avoid weight gain

Many temptations await us every day and at every step. Few people will be able to resist the sight of a beautiful cake or an appetizing sandwich. What if an employee treats homemade cakes at work? After having tasted all this delicious, we sit quietly at the computer and continue to work. And the fat settles on the stomach, hips, thighs.

How to avoid gaining extra pounds?

It is not at all necessary to give up food if you adhere to simple advice:

  1. Eat sweets, fruit, and carbohydrates in the morning or after lunch. After eating, do not immediately sit down at the desk, but go for a walk, do 10 squats. Carbohydrates will not be deposited, but immediately spent
  2. Limit your salt intake. The foods we usually eat already contain a lot of salt: sausage, canned food, mayonnaise. It would be better to give up on these products altogether. But at least don't salt the food, use seasonings for it.
  3. To improve the taste, use mustard, horseradish. They promote better digestion and breakdown of fats. Drink ginger tea, cinnamon coffee. These spices accelerate the metabolism and prevent the accumulation of fat in the cells. And don't forget the hot peppers. Even a slightly peppery dish is absorbed faster.
  4. Try climbing the stairs and walking more
  5. Don't skip meals. The body, even at rest, spends 1300 kcal to keep itself alive, in the hope that it will receive the necessary amount of energy in time. If you skip breakfast or lunch, this will become a warning to the body of impending hunger and it will spend 50-100 kcal less, switching to economy mode. After returning home, you will eat more and the excess calories will go to the fat stores.